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  • M-37

    This is the first shot of my M37, after we walked down most of the five foot plus tall johnson grass it was sitting in. I drove by it for ten years before I got the bug.
    James G.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    I've seen and owned ones in worse shape - so pull her out of the grass and go to work...:)


    • #3
      Looks pretty original, Congrat's on your new acquisition.
      Bill Wincapaw


      • #4
        nice rig

        hey looks like a good project. I love these old trucks.

        good luck


        • #5
          M-37 Update

          Attached are a couple of pics. on our progress with the M37 project. I am still missing a set of winch bumpers for anyone who has a spare set for sale!
          James G.
          Attached Files


          • #6
            Another shot

            We are getting close to blasting time on the whole truck! Looks like we will miss the 4th of July parade this year but we will be ready in '05!
            James G.

            PS: I still need some winch bumpers!!!
            Attached Files


            • #7
              Looking good.

              I bet those rollers under the tires work great with limited space.


              • #8

                They are pretty stiff to move but they were cheap! I thought you were going to visit this week. It has been a good clear week now they are predicting three inches of rain tonight - I hope the creek don't rise....again! Haven't found HIGHER GROUND YET!
                James G.


                • #9
                  I did not make it to that area this week.

                  I will be back, though.

                  I have not forgotten about your bracket.

                  See you soon.


                  • #10
                    Replacement engine Cleaned

                    We stripped off everything on the "new" replacement engine today. It looks pretty good cleaned up, built in '52. The current engine in my 1952 M37 was built in 1962. it looks like eveything on the truck was rebuilt prior to it being DXed! Too bad it sat in the weather for 10-15 years. We prime it tomorrow.
                    James G.
                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      Keep those pics coming.

                      I know this has been asked a million times, but oh well:

                      What color were the original M37 engines? Not silver, I believe.

                      Anyone have a pic?


                      • #12
                        Engine color

                        The only color on the three engines I have is OD, my son wants to paint it gloss black with all the attachements in OD, but I think we are going to do the opposite. I have two coats of high temp BBQ flat black on it now and I think OD is the way to go.
                        James G.

                        PS Terry I found an original brass fire extinquisher for the M37 to go in that bracket.
                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          Engine's Final Coat

                          We decided on OD using spary cans from WalMart, the olive drap camo paint they sell. At $2.29 a can it looks pretty good, Krylon has been good in the past we will see how it last!
                          James G.
                          Attached Files


                          • #14
                            I feel sick.

                            It always makes my stomach turn when you talk about the great deals you find. :)

                            Keep those pics coming.


                            • #15
                              Transfer Case Removal

                              As we get ready to sandblast the frame it was time for the transfer case to be removed, stripped and completely filled with oil. We have scraped and brushed it to the bare metal and now it is time to paint. We decided not to have the engine, transmission and transfer sandblasted, instead we are do it by hand. Slower but I think less likelyhood of problems in the end.
                              With the transfer case inverted we filled it from the bottom with oil all the way to the top we have no leaks, so I hope that holds true when it is remounted and running.
                              James G.
                              Attached Files

